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Ugol Rossii

Davis Derby will be exhibiting at Ugol Rossii 2012, the international trade fair for mining technology exploration, underground mining, open cast mining, mineral processing and coal preparation.

The exhibition in Novokuznetsk is an annual event which takes place in the centre of the main coal producing area of Russia, the Kuzbass basin.

Davis Derby will again be attending the exhibition as part of the ABMEC group which includes a number of other UK mining equipment companies.

The event, well attended by the Russian customer base, is a particularly busy show. The need for technical advancement of mines highlights the need for the application of stringent safety systems and procedures.

Davis Derby MineWATCH is a suite of products that put a mine of information at your fingertips, enabling you to monitor and protect people and plant and communicate clearly and effectively with all onsite personnel.

For further information you can contact us on
